Between December 2005 and December 2012, every month a member of the Project Team or other scholar has commented on material of particular interest in the Rolls. Although the project finished in December 2011, there was sufficient interest in the Fine of the Month series to continue it for 2012 using contributions received throughout 2012 and 2013. Simply click on the links below for access to the monthly fines, arranged chronologically in the reverse order of publication. For a brief thematic guide to the Fines of the Month from December 2005 to December 2012 go to 'Guide to FOMS'. It is our intention to publish future Fines of the Month with reference to the date in which they are published. Submissions should be sent to:

David Carpenter: david.carpenter [at]

1.Fine of the Month Competition

Prizes in the Fine of the Month Competition have been awarded for six years. The winners are listed below. Fines of the Month by members of the Project Team and its advisory committees were not eligible to be considered in the competition.

The winner of the Fine of the Month Competition for 2012 is Christopher Tilley for his article 'The Chenduits in the Fine Rolls - A Gentry Family in the Reign of Henry III

The winners of the Fine of the Month Competition for 2011 are Jeremy Ashbee for his article ''Gloriette' in Corfe Castle, 1260' and Evyatar Marienberg for his article 'The Stealing of the “Apple of Eve” from the 13th century Synagogue of Winchester'.

The winners of the Fine of the Month Competition for 2010 were the villagers of Nunney in Somerset for their article from August 2010, 750 years on: the Fine Rolls and the Nunney charter

The winner of the Fine of the Month Competition for 2009 was Tony Moore for his article from July 2009, ‘The Thorrington dispute: a case study of Henry III’s interference with judicial process’.

The winner of the Fine of the Month Competition for 2008 was Sophie Ambler for her article from November 2008, ‘The Fines and Loans of the Montfortian Bishops and the Missing Fine ‘in expedicione’ of 1264’.

The winner of the Fine of the Month Competition for 2007 was Julie Kanter for her article from March 2007, ‘The Four Knights’ System and the Evidence for it in the Fine Rolls’.