57 HENRY III (28 October 1272–11 November 1272)
Fine Roll C 66/91, 57 HENRY III (1272)
Membrane 4
Fines of the fifty-seventh year.
- 1
28 Oct. Westminster. Norfolk. William of Wiggenhall gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 2
[No date]. Lincolnshire. William de Appledorefield gives one mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 3
[No date]. Yorkshire. John son of Roger Toke gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 4
[No date]. Yorkshire. Henry son of Martin of Selby gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before John de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 5
[No date]. Hampshire. Roger de Molendino gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Hampshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 6
[No date]. Northamptonshire. Henry Croide of Brixworth gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Northamptonshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 7
29 Oct. Westminster. Oxfordshire. Richard de Seaton and Alice his wife give half a mark for having a pone. Order to the sheriff of Oxfordshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 8
[No date]. Norfolk. Geoffrey Gacelin gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Robert Fulconis. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 't' in the margin next to this entry.
- 9
[No date]. Yorkshire. The prior of Ellerton gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 10
[No date]. Cambridgeshire. Master Robert Aunger gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Cambridgeshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 11
[No date]. Norfolk. John son of Robert son of Simon gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 12
[No date]. Oxfordshire. Richard le Culter of Oxford and Isolda his wife give half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Oxfordshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 13
[No date]. Yorkshire. The prior of Ellerton gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 14
[No date]. Lincolnshire. Walter son of Adam West gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 15
[No date]. Surrey. Robert the Breton of Godstone gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Surrey.[S’, in the Roll]
- 16
Because Nicholas of Boltby who held of the king in chief on the day he died 1 as the king has learnt, order to John of Reigate, escheator beyond the Trent, to take all the lands etc. into the king’s hand and to keep them safely until the king orders otherwise.
- 1.
- ‘on the day he died’ interlined.
- 17
[No date]. Oxfordshire. John Kepharm gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Geoffrey of Lewknor. Order to the sheriff of Oxfordshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 18
[No date]. Lincolnshire. Thomas son of Abraham gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 19
[No date.]. Suffolk. John son of Adam Brun gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before R. Fulconis. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 20
[No date]. Yorkshire. Richard of Fenton and William of Fenton give one mark for having a jury to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 21
2 Nov. Westminster Lincolnshire. Agnes who was the wife of John Sesse gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 22
[No date]. Lincolnshire. Simon son of Walter of Louth gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 23
[No date.]. Norfolk. Laurenctius de Eaton gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. 1 Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 1.
- ad terminum interlined.
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 24
[No date]. Suffolk. Walter Philipp gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the 1 sheriff of Suffolk.[S’]
- 1.
- ‘for a writ ad terminum. Order to the’ is written over an erasure.
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, 't' and 'd' are in the margin next to this entry.
- 25
[No date]. Norfolk. Thomas son of Warin of Themelthorpe and Cristiana his wife give half a mark for an assize to be taken before Robert Fulconis. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’]
- 26
[No date]. Hampshire. Ralph le Hopere and Agnes his wife give half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Hampshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, 't' and 'd' are in the margin next to this entry.
- 27
[No date]. Norfolk. Hamo de la Grene gives half a mark for having a writ of appeal. Order to the sheriff of Hampshire.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 't' in the margin next to this entry.
- 28
[No date]. Westmorland. The abbot of Byland gives 20s. for having a pone. Order to the sheriff of Westmorland.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 't' in the margin next to this entry.
- 29
3 Nov . Westminster. Lincolnshire. Roger son of Richard of Barkston gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 30
[No date]. Nottinghamshire. Hugh Gernun and Sibilla his wife give half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Nottinghamshire.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 't' in the margin next to this entry.
- 31
[No date]. Lincolnshire. Master William of Tattershall gives 20s. for having an attaint before John de Oketon. 1 Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 1.
- ‘before John de Oketon' interlined.
- 32
[No date]. Yorkshire. Robert of Wadsley gives 20s. for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 33
[No date]. Wiltshire. Nicholas of Calne and Idonea his wife give half a mark for an assize to be taken before Martin of Littlebury. Order to the sheriff of Wiltshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 34
[No date]. Yorkshire. Gilbert Raveyn gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, 't' and 'd' are in the margin next to this entry.
- 35
[No date]. Herefordshire. Juliana Heremam and Sibilla Hereman gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Ralph de Hengham. Order to the sheriff of Herefordshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 36
[No date]. Yorkshire. Henry of Scarborough gives one mark for having a pone. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 37
[No date]. Yorkshire. John of Upton, clerk gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 38
[No date]. Middlesex. John Costentin gives half a mark for having an attaint before Master Richard of Staines. Order to the sheriff of Middlesex.[S’, in the Roll]
- 39
[No date]. Lancaster. Roger le Fraunceys and Matilda his wife give half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lancaster.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 40
[No date]. Norfolk. Robert de Stoteville gives half a mark for having a pone. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’, in the Roll]
- 41
3 Nov . Lancaster. Richard the Butler gives 1 m. for having a place [for a case] of reasonable divisions (pro habendo uno pone de rationabilibus diversis).[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 't' in the margin next to this entry.
- b.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, this entry gives 'Westminster' as a place of witness.
- 42
[No date]. Lincolnshire. John Dyve gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before John de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 43
[No date]. Lincolnshire. John Dyve gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 44
[No date]. Lincolnshire. Nicholas of Stainsby gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 45
[No date]. Suffolk. John son of Alan Brum, Hawise daughter of Ralph Brun, Gunald and Agnes sisters of the same Hawise give half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 46
[No date]. Cambridgeshire. Elena daughter of Robert son of Ivo of Burwell gives one mark for an assize to be taken before Robert Fulconis. Order to the sheriff of Cambridgeshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 47
5 Nov . Westminster. The king has committed to Robert de Hampton custody of his county of Northumberland and Newcastle-upon-Tyne with appurtenances for as long as it pleases the king so that he is to answer to the king for the issues proceeding therefrom at the Exchequer.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 48
Order to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, free men and all others holding of the aforesaid castle and county to be intendant and respondent to the same Robert as sheriff of the county and the constable of the aforesaid castle in everything which pertains to that custody.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 49
Order to Wischard de Charrun the late sheriff of the aforesaid county and constable of the same castle to deliver the aforesaid county with the rolls and writs, and the aforesaid castle with the weapons and all its other appurtenances to the aforementioned Robert, as keeper, as aforesaid.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 50
[No date]. Cornwall. Herbert de Pin gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Cornwall.[S’, in the Roll]
- 51
[No date]. Devon. Roger of Middleton gives half a mark for having a pone. Order to the sheriff of Devon.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 52
[No date]. Somerset. Simon of Bath gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Somerset.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 53
[No date]. Leicestershire. Arnald de Bosco gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Leicestershire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 54
[No date]. Devon. Asketill Attemert gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Stephen Heym. Order to the sheriff of Somerset.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 55
[No date]. Staffordshire. Felicia de Barr gives one mark for having a pone. Order to the sheriff of Staffordshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 56
[No date]. Berkshire. Robert son of William of Steventon gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Berkshire.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 't' in the margin next to this entry.
- 57
[No date]. Yorkshire. Saer of Gargrave gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 58
[No date]. Somerset. Roger le Keu gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Robert Walerand. Order to the sheriff of Somerset.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 't' in the margin next to this entry.
- 59
[No date]. Kent. Lora de Rokesle gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Kent.[S’, in the Roll]
- 60
[No date]. Yorkshire. The prior of Watton gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 61
[No date]. Norfolk. John son of Robert gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, 't' and 'd' are in the margin next to this entry.
- 62
[No date]. Lincolnshire. Avice of Barling Mouth gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 63
[No date]. Essex. John Malegreffe gives half a mark for having an attaint at the first session. Order to the sheriff of Essex.[S’, in the Roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, this entry has a full witness clause giving an alternate date of witness, viz: '6 Nov, Westminster'.
- 64
[No date]. Norfolk. Agnes who was the wife of Robert Pynyg’ gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 65
[No date]. Hampshire. Nicholas of Cheverton gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Robert Walerand. Order to the sheriff of Hampshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 66
[No date]. Suffolk. Simon son of Geoffrey le Bavent gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 67
7 Nov . Westminster. Yorkshire. William Hardy of Walkington gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 't' in the margin next to this entry.
- 68
[No date]. Hampshire. James Issenhard gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Stephen Heym. Order to the sheriff of Hampshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 69
[No date]. Northamptonshire. Roger of Leesthorpe, clerk, gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Northamptonshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 70
[No date]. Yorkshire. Thomas of Bulmer gives one mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 71
[No date]. Middlesex. The abbot of Thame gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Martin of Littlebury. Order to the sheriff of Middlesex.[S’, in the Roll]
- 72
[No date]. Berkshire. Robert of Steventon gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Robert Fulconis. Order to the sheriff of Berkshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 73
[No date]. Cambridgeshire. William of Swaffham and Agnes his wife give half a mark for an assize to be taken before Robert Fulconis. Order to the sheriff of Cambridgeshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 74
[No date]. Derbyshire. Pagan de la Cornere gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Derbyshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 75
8 Nov . Westminster. Essex. William of Woodham gives half a mark for having an attaint at the first session. Order to the sheriff of Essex.[S’, in the Roll]
- 76
[No date]. Devon. William of Bridge gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Devon.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 77
[No date]. Norfolk. The prior of Holy Trinity, Norwich gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’, in the Roll]
- 78
[No date]. Hampshire. William Tracy gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Hampshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 79
[No date]. Lincolnshire. Avice of Barling Mouth gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 80
[No date]. Suffolk. Ralph of Blackditch gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.21, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 81
[No date]. Dorset. John of Whitefield gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Stephen Heym. Order to the sheriff of Dorset.
- 82
10 Nov . Westminster. Buckinghamshire. Robert Mauncel gives two marks for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Buckinghamshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 83
[No date]. Norfolk. The abbot of Langley, parson of the church of Heckingham gives half a mark for having an assize utrum before the justices of the Bench. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’, in the Roll]
- 84
[No date]. Northamptonshire. Robert le Keu gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Master Ralph de Seyton’. Order to the sheriff of Northamptonshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 85
[No date]. Lincolnshire. William of Ruskington gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. 1 Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 1.
- ‘a writ ad terminum’ is written over erased text.
- 86
[No date]. Yorkshire. The prior of Watton gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 87
[No date]. Lincolnshire. Nicholas of Londonthorpe gives one mark 1 for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 1.
- ‘one mark’ is written over erased text.
- 88
[No date]. Nottinghamshire. Roger Milloc gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Nottinghamshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 89
[No date]. Cancelled because [...]. The same Roger gives another half a mark for having another writ ad terminum. Order to the same sheriff. 1
- 1.
- Entry cancelled.
- a.
- This entry is not in the originalia roll.
- 90
[No date]. Lancaster. Hugh of Holme gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Lancaster.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.22, there is a 't' in the margin next to this entry.
- 91
12 Nov . Lincolnshire. Robert le Pestur’ of London has made fine with the king by 40s. for having a writ to the barons of the Exchequer concerning recovering his debts according to the customs of the same Exchequer. And he has lands in Middlesex. 1[S’, in the Roll]
- 1.
- The last sentence is written over erasured text.
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.22, the witness clause gives 'Westminster' as the place of witness.
Membrane 5
- 92
[No date]. Northamptonshire. Henry Leverich’, chaplain gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before G. of Preston. Order to the sheriff of Northamptonshire. 1[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 1.
- At the start of this membrane an entry has been begun and erased. There is a symbol resembling the number ‘2’ in the margin next to this erased entry.
- 93
[No date]. Lincolnshire. John Thenche of Grantham gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Lincolnshire.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 94
[No date]. Kent. Henry of Ashurst gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Kent.[S’, in the Roll]
- 95
[No date]. Suffolk. John of Copdock gives half a mark for having a pone. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.22, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 96
[No date]. Cornwall. William le Fraunceys de Huppaton’ gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before J. de Oketon. Order to the sheriff of Cornwall.[in the Roll]
- 97
[No date]. Gloucestershire. Amicia of Uley gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Walter de Helyun. Order to the sheriff of Gloucestershire.[in the compendium roll]
- 98
[No date]. Suffolk. John de la Brome and Petronilla his wife give half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.22, there is a 'd' in the margin next to this entry.
- 99
[No date]. Because the king has learnt by an inquisition which he caused to be made by Master Richard de Clifford, his escheator this side of the Trent ... 1
- 1.
- Entry unfinished and cancelled.
- a.
- This entry is not in the originalia roll.
- 100
[No date]. Northamptonshire. Isabella who was the wife of Master Robert of Everdon gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Northamptonshire. 1[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 1.
- There is a gap of some inches between this entry and the preceeding one.
- 101
[No date]. Devon. Robert Giffard’ son of Thomas de Esse gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Stephen Heym. Order to the sheriff of Devon.[S’, in the compendium roll]
- 102
[No date]. Suffolk. Agnes daughter of Alexander del Belhus gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before R. Fulconis. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk.[S’, in the Roll]
- 103
[No date]. Suffolk. Gilbert de Coleville gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.22, 't' and 'd' are in the margin next to this entry.
- 104
[No date]. Warwickshire. Richard of Whitacre gives one mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Warwickshire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 105
[No date]. Norfolk. Richard of Bromholm and Margeria his wife give half a mark for an assize to be taken before Robert Fulconis. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk.[S’]
- a.
- In the originalia roll E 371/36, m.22, there is a 't' in the margin next to this entry.
- 106
[No date]. Cornwall. Liserus de Bere gives half a mark for having a writ ad terminum. Order to the sheriff of Cornwall.[S’, in the Roll]
- 107
[No date]. Leicestershire. Ralph Bangilon and Sarra his wife, Thomas de la Grene and Amicia his wife give half a mark for an assize to be taken before G. of Preston. Order to the sheriff of Leicestershire.[S’, in the Roll]
- 108
[No date]. On Wednesday the feast of the blessed Edmund the Confessor H. sometime king of England died late at night, and in the morning the seal of the aforesaid king was delivered to John de Kirkby under his seal and the seals of P. of Winchester, keeper of the Wardrobe of the same king, W. archbishop of York, R. Aguillon and others of the king’s council in the presence of the same council.
- a.
- This entry is not in the originalia roll.
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